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Research this week presents the most robust evidence to date that ketamine is at least as effective as electroconvulsive therapy for patients with treatment-resistant depression who do not have psychosis..

Ketamine is typically used as an anaesthetic in hospitals and by vets. It’s also sometimes used as a ‘party drug’.

Lately, it’s been making headlines for a different reason, as research continues into the effectiveness of ketamine for treating depression.

Ketamine is a dissociative drug.

This means it acts on different chemicals in the brain to distort sight and hearing, which can result in someone feeling detached from reality.1

We know ketamine can help people with severe depression who haven't responded well to anti-depressant medications or other treatments.2, 3

But there are questions about its limitations.

Is it safe? How long do the effects last? And is this a long-term solution?

How does ketamine work for treating depression?

Ketamine works by targeting a key chemical in the brain called glutamate, which affects memory and learning. It’s also thought to affect brain cell growth and function.4

In some trials, ketamine rapidly reduced depression symptoms and provided relief for several days. This is a much faster response compared to other treatments.5

These trials show ketamine has the potential to relieve feelings of sadness, helplessness and even thoughts of suicide.5

Getting the dose and delivery right

Researchers have been trying to find the right dose of ketamine and the most effective way to give it, with clinical trials using either an intravenous drip, injection or a nasal spray.3

The results have been mixed.

A successful trial in New South Wales gave ketamine to older people by injection. This study had positive results, with 68.8% of participants experiencing remission of their symptoms.6

Another trial tested ketamine given through a nasal spray. But all five participants experienced severe side-effects and couldn’t use all their nasal spray because of a lack of coordination.7

The trial was cancelled, demonstrating more work still needs to be done in terms of understanding dosage and how it’s taken.7

What are the risks of ketamine?

Responses to ketamine treatment will vary from person to person.2

The side-effects people experienced during trials highlight some of the potential risks of ketamine – even under medical supervision.8

There are also concerns about people who might try to self-medicate by using illicit ketamine.

And as with any prescribed drug, such as opioid painkillers, there’s the risk people might use it in a way that’s different to how it’s been prescribed. The question of how to avoid unprescribed use within ketamine programs is still being explored.


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Buy KETAMINE hcl and Ketamine powder Online. KETAMINE belongs to the class of barbiturates and acts as a depressant or

sedative. We are Reliable suppliers of ketamine of this drug and it’s available in generic forms. (Powder, Liquid, and
(Text/WhatsApp: +17207442712
Email : (benzegoal926@gmail.com)

Plant Installation

Ketamine crystal, also known as Special K, is a powerful psychedelic drug that has recently gained popularity in the
recreational drug scene. Originally used for medical purposes, such as an anesthetic for surgeries, ketamine has become a
popular drug of choice for many people seeking an intense psychedelic experience.

Maintenance Services

Ketamine is a potential treatment option for treatment-resistant conditions like depression or anxiety. Known for its fast-acting effects, ketamine, primarily used as an IV treatment,1 has shown to be effective in treating certain mental health issues.2 To obtain a ketamine prescription, consult a healthcare professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ketamine for Depression

Steven Levine, MD, has treated more than 3,000 patients with ketamine since 2011. Worldwide, he says, 10,000-15,000 patients have been treated with ketamine. Dr. Levine says that ketamine is an excellent medication to use for depression.

What Does a Ketamine Treatment Consist of?

ketamine is given when other antidepressants don’t work. It’s usually administered by an IV infusion in the arm, and typically the effects last for anywhere from days to weeks.

“Generally, it’s administered in a tapering sequence in which patients receive three infusions the first week, two in the second week, once weekly for the next three weeks, and then moving to maintenance of, on average, once per month,” Dr. Levine says.

where can i buy ketamine online?

Buy KETAMINE hcl and Ketamine powder Online. KETAMINE belongs to the class of barbiturates and acts as a depressant or

sedative. We are Reliable suppliers of ketamine of this drug and it’s available in generic forms. (Powder, Liquid, and
(Text/WhatsApp: +17207442712
Email : (benzegoal926@gmail.com)
Ketamine Crystal - A Powerful Psychedelic Drug

Ketamine crystal, also known as Special K, is a powerful psychedelic drug that has recently gained popularity in the
recreational drug scene. Originally used for medical purposes, such as an anesthetic for surgeries, ketamine has become a
popular drug of choice for many people seeking an intense psychedelic experience.

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Buy Depression Treatment
Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany

About us

Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic, meaning it produces a feeling of detachment or disconnection from one's body and
environment. It can produce a range of effects, from relaxation and euphoria to out-of-body experiences and
hallucinations. At higher doses, users can experience intense visual and auditory hallucinations that can be overwhelming
and sometimes frightening.

Ketamine is most commonly taken orally or snorted, but can also be injected or smoked. The effects of ketamine can vary
depending on the dose, the method of administration, and the user's tolerance level. The effects can last anywhere from a
few minutes to several hours, and can include changes in perception, confusion, altered sense of reality, and a feeling of
detachment from one's body.

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